Home In the Midst of A Fresh New Adventure, My UX Design Principle
A positive significant experience is constructed from two opposed qualities ; the known and the unknown. A sense of home and a sense of an adventure. Together they provide a complete positive experience.We love feeling safe and to be familiar with our surrounding, but we are also curious creatures that are triggered to explore the unfamiliar, to develop, expand and sense new fresh experiences.This is one of my key principals when designing experiences:
Creating a safe & secure state in the midst of a new adventurous experience.
Home-Safe Elements Include:
- Easy, immediate & direct navigation & orientation
- Consistency and familiarity
- Simplicity, clear hierarchy, readability & explicit logic
- Sense of control
Adventurous Elements Include:
- Story telling
- Triggering Emotions by color, visuals & typography
- Innovative, up to date and fresh design
- Being led, surrender